Haley Newton, Do Family Medicine Add to Compare

краевое государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

«Ачинский медицинский техникум»


Учебное пособие для студентов

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Basic Medicines

Основные лекарственные средства

для специальности

060101Лечебное дело

Ачинск, 2014


на заседании ПЦК ОГСЭ и ЕН дисциплин

Председатель ПЦК

____________ И.М. Фадеева

Протокол №____ «____»_______________ 2014 г.

Председатель Фадеева И.М.


Зам. директора по НМР

______________ С.П. Бабина «____»___________ 2014 г.


Анохина С.О., преподаватель иностранного языка I квалификационной категории КГБОУСПО АМТ.


Таранова Т.Ю., преподаватель иностранного языка высшей квалификационной категории КГБОУСПО АМТ.

Фадеева И.М., председатель ПЦК ОГСЭ и ЕН дисциплин КГБОУСПО АМТ.


  1. Введение iv стр.

  1. Основная часть 5-10стр.

  1. Заключение 11стр.

  1. Библиографический список 12стр.

  1. Приложения xiii-14 стр.


Данная методическая разработка для студентов соответствует требованиям ФГОС СПО по специальности 060101 Лечебное дело (углубленный уровень среднего профессионального образования).

Она предназначена для студентов 2 курса специальности 060101 Лечебное дело и призвана помочь в овладении темы программы «Основные лекарственные средства».

Преподаватель имеет возможность выборочно использовать предложенные упражнения на занятия, а также предложить студентам материал для самостоятельного изучения с целью закрепления ранее изученного, пополнения словарного запаса, развития навыков аудирования и работы с текстом, извлечения нужной информации, ликвидации пробелов в случае отсутствия студента на занятии.

Методическая разработка содержит грамматический материал с упражнениями, текст по теме, аудиоматериал, мультимедийные презентации, лексический материал и лексические упражнения с учетом специализации, упражнения на развитие навыков устной речи и аудирования, тестовые задания по теме.


  1. Approximate the meanings of the words of Latin and Greek origin:

the ampule, the antibiotic, the suppository, the tablets, the vitamin, the pills, the chemist, aspirin, paracetamol.

2. Written report the pictures and r emember these words:


iii. Friction match column A to column B:

  1. the safe use of medication

  2. to dispense medications

  3. Pharmacology

  4. Pharmacist

  5. drug information

  6. painkillers

  7. ointment

  8. suppository

  9. laxative

10. sedative

a. болеутоляющее

b. фармакология

c. слабительное

d. безопасное применение лекарств

due east .приготовлять и распределять лекарства

f .успокоительное

g .мазь

h .свечи

i .фармацевт

j .информация о лекарстве

4.Study the wink cards

and name the basic medicines.( Приложение )

5.Watch PPT and answer the questions:

( Приложение 1)

1.What Are medicines?

2. What are the sources of medicines?

three. What ways can the medications be delivered in ?

iv. What type of medicine does bacterial infections fights?

5. What medicine are designed to relieve pain?

six. What types of medicine do protect the trunk against certain infectious diseases?

6. Heed to the text. ( Приложения two-3)

What Are Medicines?

Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to cure, halt, or prevent disease; ease symptoms; or help in the diagnosis of sure illnesses. Advances in medications have enabled doctors to cure many diseases and save lives.

These days, medicines come up from a variety of sources. Many were developed from substances found in nature, and even today many are extracted from plants. For case, 1 medicine that is used to treat sure cancers comes from the Pacific yew tree.

Some medicines are produced in a laboratory by mixing together a number of chemicals. Others, similar penicillin, are byproducts of organisms such as fungus. And a few medicines are even biologically engineered past inserting genes into leaner that make them produce the desired substance.

When we think about taking medications, we frequently think of pills. Merely medications can be delivered in many ways, such as:

liquids that are swallowed (like cough syrup)

drops that are put into ears or optics

creams, gels, or ointments that are rubbed onto the skin

inhalers (like nasal sprays or asthma inhalers)

patches that are stuck to pare (called transdermal patches)

tablets that are placed under the natural language (called sublingual medicines; the medication is absorbed into blood vessels and enters the bloodstream)

injections (shots) or intravenous (inserted into a vein) medications

No medicine can exist sold unless it has commencement been approved past the U.S. Food and Drug Assistants (FDA). The manufacturers of the medication perform tests on all new medicines and transport the results to the FDA.

The FDA allows new medicines to be used simply if they work and if they are safe enough. When a medicine'southward benefits outweigh its known risks, the FDA usually approves the sale of the drug. The FDA can withdraw a medication from the market place at any time if it later is found to cause harmful side effects.

Different Types of Medicines

Medicines act in a variety of ways. Some can cure an illness by killing or halting the spread of invading germs, such as bacteria and viruses. Others are used to treat cancer by killing cells as they carve up or preventing them from multiplying. Some drugs simply supercede missing substances or correct abnormally low levels of natural body chemicals such every bit certain hormones or vitamins. Medicines can even affect parts of the nervous system that control a particular body procedure.

Most everyone has taken an antibiotic. This type of medicine fights bacterial infections. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for things similar strep pharynx or an ear infection. Antibiotics piece of work either by killing leaner or halting their multiplication so that the body'southward immune organization tin fight off the infection.

Sometimes a part of the body tin't produce enough of a certain chemic. That can likewise make you ill. Someone with insulin-dependent diabetes, for example, has a pancreas that can't produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates glucose in the body). Some people have a low production of thyroid hormone, which helps control how the body uses energy. In each case, doctors tin prescribe medicines to replace the missing hormone.

Some medicines treat symptoms but can't cure the disease that causes the symptoms. (A symptom is anything you feel while y'all're sick, such equally a cough or nausea.) So taking a lozenge may soothe a sore throat, only it won't kill that nasty strep bacteria.

Certain medicines are designed to relieve pain. If you pull a musculus, your doctor might tell you to accept ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These pain relievers, or analgesics, don't get rid of the source of the hurting — your muscle will still exist pulled. What they practise is block the pathways that transmit hurting signals from the injured or irritated torso part to the brain (in other words, they affect the mode the brain reads the pain signal) so that you don't hurt as much while your body recovers.

As people become older, they sometimes develop chronic or long-term conditions. Medicines can help control sure conditions like high blood pressure (hypertension) or loftier cholesterol. These drugs don't provide a cure for the underlying trouble, simply they tin can help prevent some of the body-damaging effects of the illness or condition over fourth dimension.

Amid the most of import medicines are immunizations (or vaccines). These keep people from getting sick in the first place by immunizing, or protecting, the body against certain infectious diseases. Vaccines usually incorporate a small amount of an agent that resembles a specific germ or germs that have been modified or killed. When someone is vaccinated, it primes the body'due south immune organization to "call up" the germ so it will be able to fight off infection by that germ in the future.

Most immunizations that prevent yous from catching diseases like measles, whooping cough, and chickenpox are given by injection. No one thinks shots are fun. Just the diseases they prevent can exist very serious and cause symptoms that last much longer than the temporary discomfort of the shot.

Although some medications require a prescription, some are available in stores. For instance, many medications for pain, fever, coughing, or allergies can be purchased without a prescription. But just considering a medicine is bachelor over-the-counter (OTC), that doesn't mean it's free of side effects. Take OTC medicines with the same caution as those prescribed by a doctor.

Taking Medicines

No matter what type of medicine your doc prescribes, it's always important to be prophylactic and follow some basic rules:

If you lot feel worse subsequently taking a medicine, tell your doc right away.

Double-bank check that you accept the right medicine. If you get the aforementioned prescription filled more than once, cheque that it'southward the same shape, size, and color equally the last time. If not, be sure to ask the pharmacist about it.

Read the characterization and follow directions. Ask if y'all take questions.

Take medicines exactly every bit prescribed. If the instructions say have one tablet four times a solar day, don't have 2 tablets twice a solar day. Information technology's not the same.

Ask if the medicine is likely to touch everyday tasks such every bit driving or concentrating in school.

Don't have more medication than is recommended. It won't make you heal faster or feel better quicker. In fact, an overdose of medication tin make y'all sick.

E'er follow your md'southward or pharmacist'southward instructions. For instance, he or she may tell you to accept a medicine with food to assist lessen the stomach upset information technology can crusade or instead to take the medicine on an empty tum and then as not to interfere with the medicine'south absorption into your torso.

Never share prescription medicine with anyone else, even if that person has the same thing as you lot exercise. Today's medications are very complex, and the dosages tend to exist precisely prescribed for each person's needs. Either nether-dosing or overdosing can exist harmful. Additionally, someone else'southward body may react differently to the same medication (for example, if the person has an allergy to one of the components of the medication).

If you lot're already taking a medication but also desire to take something you lot tin buy over-the-counter, ask the pharmacist. There could be a bad interaction between the medications.

Remember that drinking alcohol can dramatically worsen the side effects of many medications.

Exist sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant or might exist meaning. Sure medications can be harmful to the baby.

Always tell your doctor and pharmacist if you're taking whatsoever other medicines or whatever herbal supplements and so that he or she can cheque for any interactions between the medications.

Even if you become ill with what you lot recollect is the aforementioned old thing, don't decide on your own that you know what's wrong and take some leftover medicine. Taking that medicine for a unlike illness might non piece of work — and information technology tin fifty-fifty be harmful. Talk to your doc first.

Accept antibiotics for the full length of the time prescribed, fifty-fifty if you start to be feel meliorate, then that all the germs are killed and the infection doesn't bounce back.

Go on medicines in their original labeled containers, if possible.

Don't apply medicine that has expired, specially prescription medicine.

Medicines should not be stored in your bathroom because estrus and humidity tin can affect the potency of the drug. Most medicines should be kept at room temperature and abroad from sunlight. Some must exist refrigerated. Check with your chemist or medico if y'all aren't sure.

Make sure all medicines are stored safely and out of the attain of younger brothers or sisters and pets.

If you lot have any allergies, tell your doctor and pharmacist before they offset you on a new medicine.

If you become a rash, start itching, airsickness, or accept trouble animate after starting a medication, tell your parents immediately. Breathing difficulty, breaking out in hives, or suddenly developing swelling of the tongue, lips, face up, or other body parts may exist signs of a severe allergic reaction — get emergency medical care correct away.

Taking medicines may experience like a hassle sometimes. But medicines are the most effective treatments available for many illnesses. If you lot ever accept any questions nearly what a medicine does or how yous should have it, talk with your doctor or a pharmacist.


Ex. 1. Give English equivalents:

Лечить рак, предупреждать болезни, спасать жизни, ряд источников, производятся из растений, распространение бактерий и вирусов, бороться с инфекцией, содержит малое количество агента, нуждаться в рецепте, побочные эффекты, следовать инструкциям доктора, читать этикетку, травяные добавки, может быть вредным, аллергическая реакция, получать неотложную помощь.

Ex. two. Listen to the text слушайте текст Put True or False:

Discover the following information in the text



  1. Medicines are chemicals or compounds used to cure, halt, or prevent affliction.

  2. Sedative fights bacterial infections.

  3. Antibiotics are designed to relieve hurting.

  4. Among the most important medicines are immunizations.

  5. Many medications for hurting, fever, coughing, or allergies tin can exist purchased without a prescription.

  6. Drinking alcohol tin improve the side furnishings of many medications.

  7. Medicines should non be stored in your bathroom.

Ex. three. Make full in the blanks with the vocabulary given beneath:

hypertension, an overdose, immunizations, prescription, analgesics, tablets, ointments, injections, drops, plants

are rubbed onto the skin.

Today many medicines are extracted from … .

There are intravenous and intramuscular … .

are placed under the natural language.

don't get rid of the source of the pain

Medicines can help control … .

... are put into ears or eyes.

Well-nigh … forbid you from catching infectious diseases.

of medication can make y'all ill.

Never share … medicine with anyone else.

Ex. 4. Take the Quiz http://world wide web.learningnurse.org/tests/meds/principles/quiz.html

Ex . five. Interpret into English language :

i.Принимайте эти таблетки дважды в день.

2. Не принимайте лекарство на голодный желудок.

iii. Храните свечи в прохладном месте.

four. Запивайте эту пилюлю молоком.

five. Лекарства лечат многие заболевания и спасают жизни.

6. Антибиотики борются с бактериальными инфекциями.

7. Многие лекарства продаются в аптеке.

8. Возьмите ампулы с витамином B 12.

9. Дайте рецепт, пожалуйста.

10. Взболтайте микстуру перед употреблением.


  1. Study the grammar rule.

hello_html_md0a038e.png hello_html_324a98c8.png

TASKS Описание: рис книги

  1. Brand upwards the sentences:

ane.medications ,many, cure, diseases

2.enters, is captivated, tablets, into, blood vessels, and, the bloodstream

three.bacterial ,antibiotic. fights, infections

4.are designed, pain ,medicines, to save, с ertain

5.your, not, be stored, in. bathroom, medicines ,should

  1. Put general and special questions:

  1. Some medicines are produced in a laboratory .

  2. Some drugs supplant missing substances or correc t abnormally low levels of natural body chemicals.

  3. Medicines tin help control high blood pressure .

  4. Medicines are the about constructive treatments bachelor for many illnesses.

  5. In each case , doctors can prescribe medicines to replace the missing hormone.


Данная методическая разработка предназначена студентам 2 курса медицинских техникумов и колледжей по теме «Основные лекарственные средства».

Основной её целью является развитие лингвострановедческой, социокультурной и коммуникативной компетенций на основе представленных в нем тестов и заданий.

Изучение темы «Основные лекарственные средства» позволяет студентам не только пополнить свой лексический запас, улучшить навыки аудирования, грамматические навыки, навык работы с текстом, но и применить свои знания в жизни, например, при возникновении проблем со здоровьем за границей.

Данный материал предложен для изучения самостоятельно, либо под контролем преподавателя как на аудиторных занятиях, так и внеаудиторно.

Библиографический список

1.Козырева Л.Г. Английский для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011,66-68 с.

2. http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/medical_care/meds.html

3. http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/medical_care/medications-quiz.html

iv.http://world wide web.learningnurse.org/tests/meds/principles/quiz.html

Приложение 1


Приложение two


Приложение 3


Приложение iv



Source: https://infourok.ru/material.html?mid=30816

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